About us

Supervision and management


Shareholders' meeting

  • adopts decisions on strategic issues of operational activities;
  • approves the most important operational guidelines (guidelines for corporate governance, guidelines for collegiate body remuneration, etc.).


  • is responsible for the organizational and systematic development and management of the Group within the scope of its competence;
  • forms a common corporate governance policy of the Group of companies;
  • carries out the monitoring of the implementation of the activities of the Group‘s companies, their strategies, performance targets and plans, the documents approved by the Board and other decisions in the Group‘s companies;
  • caries out the supervision and control of the management of the strategic projects carried out by the Group‘s companies that are included in the national energy strategy, the projects of the particular national interest, the economic projects that are of great importance for the state.


Nomination and Remuneration Committee 

  • assists in carrying out the selection of candidates to the members of the bodies in all companies of the Group;
  • provides the companies of the Group with recommendations regarding the appointment of the members of the management bodies, entry into contracts with them and setting remuneration for them;
  • provides recommendations regarding the documents of the corporate governance of the Groupof remuneration of the employees of the collegiate bodies, the companies of the Group, assessment of their activities.  

Audit Committee

  • carries out the monitoring of the preparation and auditing of the financial statements of the Group‘s companies;
  • is responsible for the ensuring of the observance of the independence and objectivity principles by the auditors of the Group‘s companies and of audit companies;
  • is responsible for the monitoring of effectiveness of the internal control of the Group‘s companies, risk management and internal audit systems, activity processes;
  • is responsible for the control of provision of non audit services by the auditor of the Group‘s companies and/or audit company.

Chief Executive Officer


  • organizes and controls the implementation of the Group‘s activities strategy;
  • controls the activities of the subsidiaries, makes suggestions and conclusions to the EPSO-G Board regarding the organization of the Group‘s activities and development thereof;
  • organizes and ensures the monitoring of the implementation of the strategy, long-term (strategic), short-term (tactical) objectives of the subsidiaries, the activities assessment, makes suggestions to the EPSO-G Board regarding the activities improvement;
  • ensures that the Group‘s corporate governance documents are submitted to the Group‘s companies, and the reports of the implementation of the Group‘s corporate governance documents are submitted in a timely manner to the EPSO-G Board.

EPSO-G seeks its corporate governance policies and practices take into account the standards set:

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) The United Nations

World bank group


 Nasdaq Baltic) EUROSTAT)
Last updated: 22-12-2022